Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama Anna Christie tells the story of a young woman’s struggle for redemption and a chance at a new life. Harboring a troubling secret from her past, Anna reunites with her father – a captain, a master of the sea, and a man she hardly knows. As the wild and dangerous waters would have it, Anna meets a shipwrecked young sailor and the two fall in love. When she finds she can no longer hide her past from the two men in her life, the bonds of love are tested. A powerful and relevant retelling of O’Neill’s masterpiece, the play continues to challenge our understanding of honor and dignity.


Therese Plaehn, Stephen D’Ambrose, Ben Chase, Tina Johnson and Scott Aiello

Director: Peter Richards
Set Designer: David M. Barber
Lighting Designer: Scott Bolman
Costume Designer: Moria Sine Clinton
Sound Designer: Mark Van Hare
Props Designer: Emily Naylor
Stage Manager: Marci Skolnick
Assistant Stage Manager: Laura Krouch
Production Manager: Josh Shain
Line Producer: Natalie Gershtein
Casting Director: Rebecca Feldman

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