East Village Queer Film Festival 2021

wild project is proud to present the

2021 East Village Queer Film Festival

Live & In-person

The EAST VILLAGE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL (EVQ) embraces an inclusive Queer identity, featuring films that entertain, explore and promote queer-themed issues, work by and featuring LGBTQIA+ artists, as well as work inspired by the expanded innovative and audacious downtown Queer avant-garde. The festival seeks to become a positive space for building, growing, and fostering the Queer film community and to serve an integral role in ushering in the future of Queer film. In addition to screenings of feature-length films, shorts, webisodes, and music videos, the unique “Future Cult Classics” category is included in the festival to highlight Queer B-Movies of all genres from Horror, Sci-fi, Exploitation, and more.

August 25 – August 28, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 7:00 PM, Hosted by Paul Edwards
Opening Night Short Films Presentation,
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LAST SUMMER WITH UNCLE IRA, Gary Jaffe & Katie Ennis, directors, Gary Jaffe, writer, U.S.
PLACEBO HEART, Rodney Ferrer, director & writer, U.S.
ROADKILL, Aliza Brugger, director & writer, U.S.
THE TOUR, John Gigrich, director & writer, U.S.

Thursday, August 26, 7:00 PM
Music Video Presentation
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HYMN TO DUDES, Cat Mahatta & Alli Miller, directors, Cat Mahatta, writer, U.S.
I DON’T FIT IN ANYWHERE, Video Rahim, director, U.S.
LEFT FOR DEAD, Tab Ballis, director, U.S.
PARTNER, Lesley Marshall, director, Canada
TOMORROW, Shaun Parker, director, James Emmanuel, writer, Australia

8:00 PM
Future Cult-Classics, Hosted by Michele Brilliant
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APPARITION, Carter Cavanaugh, director & writer, U.S.
THE AVIARY, Roscoe Bernard, director & writer, U.S.
BAZZOOKA, Danny Denial, director & writer, U.S.
INSURRECTION, Okado do Canal & Rita de Cácia Oenning da Silva, directors I Alysson Nosyla & Rita de Cácia Oenning da Silva, writers, Brazil
NEVER GET TRAPPED AGAIN!, April Sparks, director, April Sparks & Joshua Rudolph, writers, U.S.

Friday, August 27, 7:00 PM, Hosted by Scott Hinson
Short Documentary Films Presentation
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CHILDREN OF PARIS, Brandy Creek, director, U.S.
FREE TO BE, Ugenia Stokes, director, U.S.
MATS/MARIA, Klara Kristoffersson, director, Sweden

9:00 PM
Feature Documentary Presentation
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QUEENS OF THE REVOLUTION, Rebecca Heidenberg, director, U.S.

Saturday, August 28, 7:00 PM, Hosted by Jay Russell
Short Films Presentation
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DIRGE, Brendan Leonard, director, U.S.
DRIVING LOUISE, Isaac Knopf, director & writer, U.S.
GETTING CLOSER, Ethan Roberts, director & writer, U.S.
HOUSE OF LA REINE, Lisa Marie Tedesco, director & writer, U.S.
THE MAKEUP, Ronny Rose, director, Eric James & Richard Klein writers, U.S.
TOTAL CATCH, Sarah Clark, director & writer, U.S.

9:00 PM
Short Films Presentation, Hosted by Sean Leviashvili
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THE BAG, Sam Azghandi, director & writer, Iran/U.S.
Kevin Anthony, director & writer, U.S.
BOOMERANG, Morticia Godiva, director & writer, U.S.
OXTAIL SOUP, Peter No, director & writer, U.S.
TRANS OF THOUGHT, Brittony Mckenney, director & writer, U.S.
UNTIE, Lane Michael Stanley, director/writer, U.S.

COVID Safety protocols at wild project
Upon entry all audience members must show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination & Photo ID.

We welcome the New York State Excelsior Pass, which provides secure, digital proof of COVID-19 vaccination. You don’t have to be a New York resident to use Excelsior Pass – anyone who received a COVID-19 vaccine in the state of New York is eligible. For more information on Excelsior Pass, visit: https://epass.ny.gov.

To help us ensure a fast and efficient entry, we ask that guests using the Excelsior Pass Wallet app download the app in advance and log in prior to your visit so you have access to your documentation before arriving at the venue. Audience members will be required to wear masks as all times within the theater. There will be no food or drink permitted within the theater.

We anticipate the capability to host a full capacity of 89 persons. Q & A’s with the filmmakers in attendance will occur immediately after each program.

The 2021 EVQ is produced with funds provided by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). The views and opinions expressed in the film program may not be shared by NYSCA. 

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