Founded by the visionary duo, Caden Manson and Jemma Nelson of Big Art Group, the Special Effects Festival (SFX) has championed groundbreaking, genre-defying work since 2014. After a hiatus due to the pandemic, the festival is back to rekindle the spirit of the avant-garde and create a shared space to gather for contemporary performance.
Held every year in the midst of the Annual Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference in NYC, SFX celebrates the eclecticism of contemporary performance.
Past Alumni Include: Jeremy O. Harris, Sauda Aziza Jackson, Becca Blackwell, Lisa Clair, Braulio Cruz, Maiko Kikuchi, Agnes Borinsky, Joey Weiss, Kate Benson, Jill Pangallo, David Commander/ Rob Ramirez, Panoply Performance Laboratory, Adrienne Truscott, Colin Self.

wild project is a proud partner of IndieSpace. We donate $0.05 from every ticket to support historically excluded Indie Theater artists in New York.
wild project 195 E. 3rd Street New York, NY 10009