wild project presents
The Conscious Subconscious of a Black American
A film screening
Friday, August 30th
This screening is sold out. There will be a first-come basis waitlist at the box office, you must be physically present to add your name to the waitlist.
The Conscious Subconscious of a Black American is an ode to W.E.B. DuBois’ theory on “double consciousness.”
In a country of oppressive social norms, including microaggressions, coded language, and performance politics, it is not guaranteed that a Black person can speak their truth freely, especially in mixed company. In this short film concept written by Cyrus Aaron, and directed by Michael Oloyede, the characters do something extraordinarily radical, they let their subsconscious do all the talking without holding anything back.
Lorenzo Jackson
Janelle McDermoth
Marla Lou
The film produced by Wild Project was selected and screened in the Urban Film Festival (Miami,FL) and the Baltimore International Black Film Festival both in 2023.
Panel conversations will be moderated by Whitney McGuire, Esq.