The Great Filter

The Great Filter

July 1st, 7:30pm
July 2nd, 7:30pm
July 3rd, 3:00pm & 7:30pm

Following a disastrous mission, two astronauts return to earth and ready themselves to rejoin the world. But when all communications are suddenly cut off and distress calls go unanswered, these two survivors must confront an unknowable threat and save each other before time runs out.

An existential thriller in one act, The Great Filter is an exploration of everything that could possibly go wrong on the way to a bright new something — and why it’s probably a good idea to try getting there anyway.

Starring Jason Ralph and Trevor Einhorn.

Written and Directed by Frank Winters.

Scrap Paper Pictures, Looks Like a Great Time, and NY Forever team up to raise money for the Cultural Solidarity Fund.

The team has come together to spotlight the vitality of the off-Broadway community, and to raise critical funds for members of that community still recovering from a devastating year. The cultural fabric of NYC is shaped by the resourcefulness, dedication and grit of our downtown theatre scene, and we are proud to support this moment of rebirth.

Profits from The Great Filter will benefit the Cultural Solidarity Fund, an initiative that gets micro relief grants directly to artists and cultural workers recovering post-COVID. By buying a ticket to The Great Filter you’ll help build a better, more equitable American Theatre that celebrates all of its artists, and you’ll be supporting those artists as they rebuild the cultural fabric of our community.

2 Ways to See the Show
LIVE IN NYC For three nights only

ONLINE AT HOME We are working with a top-level camera team to bring the magic of NYC Black Box theatre into your living room. Pre-order The Great Filter virtual experience now and be the first to see it in late-July.

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